
2015年3月29日 星期日

SecondLife - browser - firestorm - build


1. Homebrew

   To install homebrew, open Terminal and type :
   在 terminal 下執行這行指令:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

2. mercurial / cmake

   brew install mercurial cmake

3. autobuild

mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
hg clone http://hg.secondlife.com/autobuild/
cd autobuild
./setup.py build
sudo ./setup.py install

4. Xcode

    can install it from APP store


copy source code

hg clone http://hg.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl/


Install proprietary library

1. 3p-fmodex

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/NickyD/3p-fmodex
cd 3p-fmodex
Near the top of the output you will see the package name written and the md5 hash below it:
wrote /Users/kittin/tmp/3p-fmod/fmod-3.75-darwin-20130105.tar.bz2' md5 3b0d38f2a17ff1b73c8ab6dffbd661eb'' 
Next, update Firestorms autobuild.xml file to use your FMOD Ex.
cd /firestorm/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl
cp autobuild.xml my_autobuild.xml
export AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml
Copy the fmodex path and md5 value from the package process into this command:
autobuild installables edit fmodex platform=darwin hash= url=file:///
For example:
autobuild installables edit fmodex platform=darwin hash=c3f696412ef74f1559c6d023efe3a087 url=file://$HOME/firestorm/3p-fmodex/fmodex-3.75-darwin-20130105.tar.bz2
2. configure viewer

If you are building with Fmod and have followed the previous Fmod setup instructions AND you are now using a new terminal you will need to reset the environment variable with
export AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml
cd ~/firestorm/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl
 autobuild configure -c ReleaseFS_open

3. compile viewer

cd ~/firestorm/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl
autobuild build -c ReleaseFS_open --no-configure

4. After build , the program will be at :


2015年3月22日 星期日

SecondLife - Tool : make video for second life

Second life turn off the option command to record the video.

meanwhile, we can use QuickTime Player in Mac to do this.

Ref: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH5882?locale=en_US

  1. In QuickTime Player, choose File > New Screen Recording.
  2. Choose options for the screen recording from the arrow pop-up menu.
    • If you want to record yourself speaking as you use the computer, choose an audio input source below Microphone in the pop-up menu.
    • Choose whether you want the recording to be medium or high quality. High quality results in a larger file size.
    • If you want mouse clicks to be visible in the recording, choose “Show Mouse Clicks in Recording.”
    • If you want to change where the recording is saved, choose Choose, and then select a new location.
  3. Arrange the computer windows as you want to capture them, and then click the Record button.
    • If you want to record only a portion of the screen, drag the pointer to select the portion of the screen you want to record, and then click Start Recording.
      To adjust the portion of the screen you selected, drag the small gray circles along the edges of the screen recording rectangle or drag the entire screen recording rectangle to another location on the screen.
    • If you want to record the entire screen, click anywhere on the screen to start the recording.
  4. To stop the recording, click the Stop button, or press Command-Control-Escape.

SecondLife - LSL : ball bounce

We can set the ball as Physics, and set friction to 0, density to 1, restitution to 1,
then the ball can bounce for a while, meanwhile it will stop.

So we try to use LSL linden script way. 


With the script, the ball can bounce forever.
The video is as below :

script description : 


1. use sensor

At the first, I try to use sensor detection way : 

and write sensor() in default , to be called repeatedly

I use 
    - llGetVel : get current velocity
    - llVecMag : change velocity to magnitude

float speed = llVecMag(llGetVel());

If the velocity is zero ( < 0.001 ) then use 

    llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,50>);

  - llGetPos

to move the object 50 higher again.

aware that llSetPos() is not workable for physical object
So we need to turn it off, and then turn on after setting


2. use collision instead of sensor

When collision, we can invert the velocity

vector speed = llGetVel();
speed.z = speed.z * -1;
llSetVelocity(speed, FALSE);

but the ball will stopped also.. maybe the friction of the air...
So I set the fixed value for the velocity

llSetVelocity(<0,0,12>, FALSE);

2015年3月21日 星期六

build a bridge

1. use Tube

2.  change path cut / holly size and then resize x / y / z axis

3. change the texture to wooden

4. resize and move position to make it more suitable

A simple bridge is done.

build tool - basic

ctrl = rotate
crtl + shift =  sizer

1. copy object

    Press "shift" and then move the object

2. select multiple object

    When editing one object, press "shift" and then select another one.

3. Link

    When selecting multiple object, you can link it as one.

4. unlink

    When editing one object, you can unlink it if it was linked with multiple objects.

5. twist an object

     Object - Twist (begin/end)

6. full bright

    texture - color

        * with full bright

        * without full bright

7. Physical

     * without physical

    * with physical - falling down / and you can push it, it rolls

2015年3月8日 星期日


這是『勇者義彥和魔王之城』續集 - 『勇者義彥和惡靈之鑰』 的片尾曲, 樂團為沐月 moumoon 


風がそよいで ジャスミンが香る      風徐徐吹著 茉莉花的香味
雲が流れて 鯨が泳ぐよ        雲飄著 鯨魚游著
芝生に寝転んで 君は笑って        躺在草地上 你笑著
夕日に染まる ゆっくり眠くなる    夕陽染紅了天空 舒緩地睡著

二人が永遠だと信じたいけど        雖然想相信兩人能永遠在一起
何時かは離れば離れにもなるでしょ   將來可能還是會有離開的時候吧  
なんってね              為什麼會這樣
寂しい事考えては           想著會寂寞
ああ 本気で君を思う         唉、真的很想你

どこへも行かないよ            哪裡也不去呦
君を傷つけるものを 私が全部消してあげる 你受的傷、由我來幫妳抹去
どこへも行かないよ            哪裡也不去呦
君が嬉しいと思うこと この手でたくさん集めてあげる 今後許多讓妳開心的事 讓我這雙手帶給妳
愛してる                 我愛你

何も話さない 静けさもいい   什麼話都沒有說 這樣的寂靜也不錯

飛行機の音が 遠くへ伸びてゆく   飛機的隆隆聲響、向遠方漫延而去
言葉にするとふわり空気のように 所說的話就像輕飄飄地空氣
どうして伝わり辛くなるのでしょ 為什麼會那麼難傳達
こんなに素直な気持ちなのだから  這樣率真地心情
ああ そのまま 伝えたい      想原封不動地 傳遞給妳

どこへも行かないよ   哪裡也不去呦
君を傷つけるものを 私が全部消してあげる  你所受的傷、由我來幫妳抹去
どこへも行かないよ 哪裡也不去呦
君が嬉しいと思うこと この手でたくさん集めてあげる 今後許多讓妳開心的事 讓我這雙手帶給妳
どこへも行かないよ 哪裡也不去呦
君を苦しめるものを 私が全部消してあげる 你所受的苦、由我來幫妳消除
でも 私がもし君を苦しめたらば 但是、如果讓你痛苦的是我
その手で全部消してほしい  希望用那雙手把一切抹去
愛してる 我愛你
