
2011年2月13日 星期日

Love Psychedelico's Shadow behind

在日劇絕對零度中聽到這首歌 Shadow behind
很有趣的日文歌, 英文部份比日文還多. 不過這種 Japanese-English Lyrics,
也是這樂團的特色. 很喜歡這種濃郁的復古搖滾曲風.

愛的魔幻 Love Psychedelico 樂團是由從小在舊金山長大的女主唱 Kumi
和 Naoki 佐藤直樹 在1997年所組成. 當時他們還在東京的大學唸書.
2001年出版的超級精選 "The Greatest Hits", 締造了兩百萬張的銷售佳績.

http: http://www.lovepsychedelico.net/index.html

2010年時有來台灣開演唱會: (http://www.nextmin.com.tw/event/759074101/)

歌曲: Ref:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc2MjkzNjky.html

歌詞: Ref: http://hk.kkbox.com/song/kALg1VI04MIS2HXGyHXGy0P4-index.html

Shadows and lights in the morning その終われない僕の behind
また拭えない日々の behind Shadow behind
Hidden door nobody knows it その知られない部屋で alone
まだ始まらない僕は alone Leave me alone
Knowing is easier than having something real Oh Oh
その薄れない記憶は love 愛が lost in thought Lost in thought

Listen to the music その變わらない想いは fine
また訪れる痛みも fine It'll be fine, fine
Nobody knows me 虛ろな weekend でも想い出は妙に high
ただ君の色が Out of sight, out of mind
Knowing is easier than having something real Oh Oh
その愛したい記憶も love 愛が lost in thought
Lost in thought, I'm lost in thought I'm lost in thought
Shadow behind, shadow behind Shadow behind
And I say it to myself that I'm not afraid of love
Shadows and lights in the morning その終われない僕の behind
また拭えない日々の behind
Shadow behind, shadow behind Shadow behind
Knowing is easier than having something real Oh Oh
Dying is easier than living for something real Oh Oh
その薄れない明日へ唄う love 思い知る ego and I
愛が lost in thought
Lost in thought, I'm lost in thought I'm lost in thought
Shadow behind, shadow behind Shadow behind
You see me alone, you see me alone You see me alone
And I say it to myself that I'm not afraid of love

