
2012年1月1日 星期日


My wish to you are these luxury goods to appear in your lifebest replica handbags

The health for you to carry suitcase to travel around the world

work happily

3. 起風的天總有人提醒你加衣
There is always some body to remind you of adding closes on windy days   

4. 睡覺時總有人為你蓋被
There is always somebody to cover you up when you are sleeping

5. 每天有個好夢
good dream every day

6. 欣賞美麗
a mood to appreciate beauty

7. 時刻過的幸福
every meaningful happy minute

8. 愛與被愛
have love and be loved   

9. 甘心付出的愛
have the devoted love

 10. 心中永遠的自由
forever freedom in your heart   

11. 樂觀的心
a cheering-up spirit

12. 學會放棄
a learn to give up sometimes 

13. 學會承受
learn to accept

14. 享受並珍惜生命的歡愉
Learn to enjoy and cherish the enlightenment of life

15. 親自撥種收穫
sow a seed by yourself and harvest

16. 珍藏凝聚情感的物品
a collection with your own story

17. 永保童心
an unfailing child in your heart

18. 開放的心
an open mind

19. 信守一個承諾
keep at least one promise

20. 嘗遍美食
taste all delicious

21. 偶爾使個小壞
play lovely tricks sometimes

22. 做一件浪漫的事
make one of your romantic thing come true

